segunda-feira, junho 14

PAssports, visas and bureaucracy. WHAT A PAIN!

I only have a Brazilian passport. My grandma is Italian, but Italian women did not pass citizenship to her descendants until 1949. I am married to a Brazilian who is also Italian, however citizenship is not contagious and I can not get mine this way.

Twice I lived in New Zealand long enough to be entitled to a kiwi passport ( I am already a permanent resident), but I moved away while they were processing it, which made me lose my right. I have to "do my time again"
In short: all I have is a Brazilian passport.

One that makes it difficult for me to travel within the Gulf.

One that makes officials ask me several more questions when I am at their border.

One that makes my american visa request a pain.

One that creates problems when I travel alone to some countries. Brazilian? Alone? Sorry, no can do.

One that does not allow me to visit Iran (when all my French and Kiwi friends go without a hic up)

Now the bureaucrats in Bahrain decided not to renew my residence visa (2 year worth) because 'my visa will outlive my passport.

The Brazilian embassy can not give me a new passport because it still has one year to live, and there are enough pages available.

The American Embassy In Bahrain will not issue my tourist visa because I have no place of residence ( because the bureaucrats in Bahrain decided ...

And what should I do?

Sit on the floor and cry my eyes out?

Just yell until my lungs hurt and someone gives me a new passport or someone else just stamp the visas I need?

I am accepting advice.

4 comentários:

  1. Oi Inaier. Meu nome e' Elida, eu sou brasileira morando em NZ e adorei seu blog.
    Solucao que eu tb dei para uma amiga aqui em NZ com o mesmo problema: vai na embaixada e diz que vc perdeu o passport (tem que registrar a perda do passport mas nao sei bem onde pq isso foi ano passado e eu ja nao lembro como ela fez). Dai tira um passport novo. No caso da minha amiga o passaporte ainda valia por 1 ano e o visto de estudante que ela estava requerendo era de 3. Please, lembra q eu so to tentando ajudar, afinal funcionou pra minha amiga. Take care.

  2. Este comentário foi removido por um administrador do blog.

  3. Elida querida, muito obrigada pela sugestao e pelo carinho!!!

    Ajuda e sempre muito bem vinda. Agradeco de coracao.

    Olha, tentei entrar no seu profile e falar um oi, mas ta dizendo que o profile esta indisponivel.

    Me manda um e mail. Adorei receber o seu recadinho!!!

  4. Hmmm I do not have any experience about it...
    I am going to read more to learn with you :D

