segunda-feira, junho 7

Comprinhas basicas

Sai pra fazer umas comprinhas. E nao tinha a menor ideia do que comprar.
Ai dei de cara com essas caixas maravilhosas.

I went shpopping, with no clue what I was looking for. Then I saw these boxes...

E me apaixonei por elas. Achei que elas seriam otimas para...para... para...
Sei la pra que! Mas tenho certeza que eu encontro uma utilidade para elas.

I feel in love with them and thought they would be perfect for...for...for...
Well, I have no clue what for, but If I have the boxes, I am sure I will soon find out what they will be good for. Right?

Logo em seguida vi essas quadradas. Todo mundo precisa de caixas quadradas com tampas de bolinha!

When I saw these ones, I totally understood people NEED to have square boxes with spots on the lid. I better buy mine quickly!

E os girassois gente? Caixa com girassois????

What about the SUNFLOWERS??? I have to have it!

Quando ja estava saindo da lojinha, dei de cara com essa caixa rosinha , redondinha, gritando pra ir pra casa comigo!

As I was leaving the shop, this pink, round box was screaming for me to take it home with the others. I had no choice.

Comprei tres outras, que eu despachei para a Nova Zelandia e para as Filipinas. Pena que elas nao podem aparecer nas fotos da familia...

I bought three others, but they have travelled to the Phillipines and to New Zealand. It is a pitý they are not in the family pic...

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