Lia is my younger daughter and today was her birthday. She is turning 12. Our baby is simply no longer a baby. And I do have problems to make peace with it.
Yesterday I held her in my arms, I woke up to feed her. Today she is a pre teen with all the implications it brings.
Because it is her birthday she was allowed to skip school today. And she could choose whatever she wanted to do.
Lucky for me, she chose to have lunch with me, then go to the movies. It was just the two of us. In the whole cinema. We laughed out loud, we put our feet on the chair right in front of us. We even sat in the wrong seats, just to be mean.
After the movie, I dragged her to a wonderful hairdresser here in Bahrain. He is a genius with the scissors and Lia is too pretty to have dull hair. Took some convincing, she is a pre teen after all, right?
When she finished her hair cut (and looked FAB) we went home, quickly changed and out we went with FAbio and Anita (my other daughter, who is already 13).
ResponderExcluiraiai...que saudaaaades quando elas eram dois bebezinhos...
nao da pra acreditar!!! a ultima vez que eu vi a lia ela nem lembrava direito de mim, a anita mais ou menos...
é...inaie, vai se saí de casa com 15, lembra? onde será que eu vou estar qd chegar a minha vez de receber as duas em casa??
vou adorar!!!
amo vcs 4! bjaooo
NAlu, se elas "sairem de casa"e forem pra sua, eu vou ficar com o meu coracao em paz. A Anita vai fazer o intercambio dela com 15, no maximo 16. Imagina so, isso ja e daqui a 2, 3 anos. Sera que eu vou aguentar??
ResponderExcluirAmo voce, minha menina linda!