After thinking and rethinking what is the best way to tell my extraordinary experience in the Amazon, I came to the conclusion the best thing would be to divide the five days we spent in the middle of the Amazon jungle by tales, since some of our days were very long, others had few stories to tell.
My first recommendation for someone who wants to venture into the jungle is very simple: decide what do you want from this trip. Would you like to rest or explore the surounds? If you poor plan, you may find it all too exhausting.
I found the perfect balance ( with lots of help from the hotel crew, of course) : I had fun, had time to contemplate nature, read a little and play with the resident animals.
This post is really just an introduction to what lies ahead. I want to tell you all about our first day in Manaus, the trip to the Hotel Tupana (170 km in the Amazon forest), some of my experiences with people who I had the pleasure of meeting and even our interactions with the animals.
I hope you have as much fun as I did. Welcome onboard!
Buongiorno Inaie .
ResponderExcluirSono Antonio , un lettore di Allan di " Carta da italia " .
L'amazzonia e le popolazioni che la compongono hanno sempre suscitato in me curiosità e interesse , un giorno andrò a visitarla , nel frattempo leggerà i resoconti del tuo viaggio.
Per quanto riguarda il tuo viaggio in Italia lascio in basso il link di alcuni miei post di località delle 5 terre .
Se hai bisogno di informazioni per raggiungerle sarò lieto di darti indicazioni .
un caro saluto