After walking like peasants yesterday, today we slept in. Almost 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. What a blessing! Hey! Wait a minute, we are sleeping in Paris. How stupid it that? We should be enjoying the city, the landmarks, the history. Darn!
As ruas arborizadas de Paris sao um cenario a parte. Eu poderia ficarar zanzando por elas dia e noite!
The tree lined streets are so charming I could just wander all day through Paris
A caminho do Marmottan, o Museu de Monet, nao consegui parar de olhar os predios Parisienses. Mesmo no suburbio, a arquitetura e linda.
On our way to the Marmottan Museum, I could not help but be fascinated by the architecture of Paris. Even the suburbs are charming.
No Museu Marmottan, voce pode apreciar as obras de Monet e de alguns outros artistas. Kandinsky e Pollock estao nessa colecao maravilhosa. Ha tambem moveis de 1800 adornando o museu. Vale a visita!
Um de seus quadros mais famosos
One of Monet's most famous paintings
Depois de duas horas "artisticas" resolvemos fazer uma farofa basica na praca em frente ao Museu. Logo ali ao lado, fica Bua de Bologne, a area onde ficam centenas de travestis e prostitutas brasileiras. Acabamos nao indo conferir o burburinho conterraneo. Quase meio dia, eles ainda deveriam estar dormindo para se refazer da noitada anterior.
After two hours looking at Monet's work, we decided to have a sandwich at the park. Funny how I am the only one in the picture. You may even bellieve Fabio did not join me, right? Oh, he did. He was hungrier than me.
Right next to the Museum, is Bua de Bologne, the suburb where hundreds of Brazilian prostitutes and transvestites work. We decided not to go there. It was almost mid day and they were all probably still asleep, recovery from last night's work.
Look at the park - Paris is still sleeping!
Meio dia, domingo. Paris esta adormecida.
Aqui e ali, as pessoas comecam a acordar, e vem para a praca caminhar, brincar e conversar
Slowly, people start getting out of their apartments. they go for a walk, they chat with their friends or they just watch their kids playing.
Namorado bonito esse que eu arrumei.
Gorgeous boyfriend. Lucky me.
Embaixo desse predio, ha seis restaurantes. Na minha opiniao, os apartamentos podiam muito bem vir sem cozinha!
If you look closely, there are 6 restaurants in the ground floor of these buildings. If it was my choice, the apartments could come with no kitchen. I would not care a bit.
Tomamos o metro e fomos para a Champs Elysees, que para a nossa surpresa estava atravancada por causa do Tour da Franca ( a corrida de bicicleta que e ultra famosa).
We took the subway to Champs Elysees, but when we got there, we found out everything was packed full, because today was " Le Tour de France", the most famous bike race in the world.
People from everywhere
Gente de todos os lugares
Enchiam a rua
Took over the place
Ate parecia carnaval
It reminded me of Mardi Grass
Policia aos montes
Police everywhere
Even in scooters
Ate de patinetes
Finalmente chegamos ao Arco do Triunfo, mas vamos ter que voltar, por que com esse bafafa todo, a escadaria estava fechada - nao pudemos subir!
We finally managed to get to the Arc d' Triumph. With all the buzz, the staircase was closed and we will have to come back another day. Oh, dear...
Do Arco do Triumfo, despencamos para o Museu D'Orsay. Eu detesto quem nao respeita fila, e um senhor passou por nos, pedindo licenca, andando, andando, andando. Como eu nao tinha certeza se ele estava furando fila ou nao, fiquei na minha, mas nao gostei. Daqui a pouco vem uma menina, passando por todo mundo. Fingi que nao percebi e bloqueei o caminho dela. Quando ela me pediu licenca, eu perguntei em ingles:
- Por que?
-Por que meu pai esta ali na frente.
Deixei a fulana passar, a contra gosto. O pior e que ela foi se juntar ao tal homem que tinha passado antes dela. Mal humorada, falei pro Fabio em portugues:
- Ah! o pai que tambem furou fila...
A menina ouviu,e foi logo dando xilique em portugues:
- Meu pai nao furou fila coisa nenhuma...voce quer vir aqui?
Fabio, que e da turma do deixa disso, jurou de pes juntos que o cara estava la sim, que nao tinha tido nenhuma irregularidade "filal".
Como o tal pai foi simpatico, eu acabei ficando quieta, mas muito contrariada, por que eu adoro uma encrenca!
After that we went to D\Orsay Museum. The queue was huge and a bit messy. After a couple of minutes, a man came over, and started asking permission to pass in front of us. He came through Fabio's side, I could not stop him, or hear what he was saying, but it somehow annoyed me. I don't like people who jump queues. And I was not going to be the one to create a scene, because I was not sure he had actually jumped the queue.
A couple more minutes and I see a teenager girl doing the same thing. I pretended I did not notice and just blocked her way. When she asked me to move, so she could pass by, I enquired in English:
- Because my dad is right there.
I let her go, and when I saw her coming next to that same man who passed by minutes ago, I said to Fabio in Portuguese:
- The father who also jumped the queue.
The family was Brazilian. the girl took offense and very defensively started yelling:
- My dad did not jump the queue, do you want to come here?
Fabio, who would do anything to avoid conflict, swore black and blue that he saw the man there before, that no one was jumping any queue and I had to shut up.
O museu e lindo!
The facade is just gorgeous!
The building was a train station in the past. Today it is house to gorgeous impressionist canvas and esculptures
O Predio do mudeu foi uma estacao de trem no passado. Hoje, ele abriga uma magnifica colecao de pinturas impressionistas e esculturas maravilhosas.
Look at the details.
da uma olhada nos detalhes desse predio.
Tomamos o metro e tentamos ir a Praca da Concordia, ver o obelisco que tem mais de 3 mil anos. Mais uma vez nao pudemos fazer nosso programa. Estava tudo interditado para a corrida de bicicletas.
We took the subway to see the Obelisk, at the Concordie, but once again we could not get there, everything was closed for the race.
O jeito foi passear pelo Parque Tuileries - muito grande, bem divertido, mas um areiao so. Ate me lembrou Bahrain. Meio inacabado, meio rustico.
We decided to go to Tuileries Park, a huge park, fun and interesting, but with lots of sand. It looked unfinished, even though I am sure that's how it is supposed to be. It reminded me of Bahrain.
Nossos pes ja estavam em frangalhos, mas estar em Paris e ir pro hotel "descansar" e sacrilegio, entao marchamos ate o Jardim das Plantas. Imagine a minha surpresa ao encontrar uma loja da H Stern, junto as marcas mais caras de Paris!
We were tired, our feet hurting, but there was no way we would go back to the hotel to "rest", so we marched on to Jardim de las Plantes. Imagine my surprise when I found a Brazilian jewelery amongst the most expensive shops in Paris.
Com as ruas interditadas, consegui uma foto unica. O monumento as minhas costas, e a rua vazia, nada de amontoados e aglomerados!
With the race today, we managed to take a pic of this famous monument without hundreds of people between us. that was cool.
Napoleao mandou derreter os canhoes dos inimigos vencidos por ele nas iunumeras guerras ao longo dos anos e construiu esse monumeto imenso, bem no centro de Paris!
Napoleon got the cannons from the enemies he conquered along the years, and melted them, transforming the iron in the magnificent monument, right in the Middle of Paris.
Uma olhadinha na praca onde ele se encontra
Just a look at the square where the monument is
The monument in detail ( yep, forgot it'a name)
Os detalhes do monumento. Siiiim, esqueci o nome dele.
O primeiro Ritz do mundo, continua ai, chiquerrimo, no centro de Paris
This is the first Ritz Hotel in the world. And it still stand, right in Paris' core.
Um bar que ainda nao tirou as bandeiras para a Copa do Mundo
A bar who decided to keep the World Cup flags a little longer...
Depois de todo esse passeio, passamos pelo supermercado, para comprar o nosso jantar. Ontem comemos ultra bem. Uma salada maravilhosa, vinho tinto, presunto cru, cuzcuz, queijo brie...
Resolvemos repetir a dose, mas o bendito mercado estava fechado. Andamos ate o outro, um pouco mais longe. Fechado tambem.
Inacreditavel! Os supermercados fecham aos domingos em Paris.
Como eu estava morta de cansaco e nao conseguia imaginar uma saidinha para jantar, paramos no primeiro restaurante que eu encontrei. Um Franco-Italiano.
O espaguete era metade espaguete, metade rigatoni, o queijo NAO era parmesao e o molho era ralo e pouco. Que grande mico!
Yesterday we had a FAB dinner with things we bought from the supermarket, so we decided to repeat the recipe today. Little did we know, all supermarkets close on Sundays. We only found out after a long walk to several of them. Bloody hell!!
I was so tired, I decided to try a restaurant near by. There was no way I would be able to go back to the Hotel and out again, so we stopped by an "Italian" restaurant,
The food was horrible. They mixed rigatoni and spaghetti, there was no Parmesan and the sauce was very little. I ate and run back to the Hotel...
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