quarta-feira, novembro 3

Great Idea

There is this group of clever people organizing a very simple movement to help other people have access to a good book.

The plan is pretty simple. You choose  agood book and On November the 8th, you just forget it somewhere public. It can be on the bus, in a park, a subway, anywhere you find appropriate.

You can write a note on the first page, explaining the book is up for grabs and all the person needs to do, is pass it on, after she/he read it.

I live in the Middle East, where public places are not very easy to spot - so i decided I will buy a good book in Hindi and take it to a construction site, where most workers are from India. Hopefully someone will make good use of the book.

3 comentários:

  1. I think it's a fantastic idea. When I moved out for the first time I gave hundreds of books away and asked the people to pass them on after reading them.

  2. adicionei o link para receber atualizações por email...
    o wordpress não permite javascript, então não consegui adicionar seguidores.
    obrigada pela visita!

  3. Hmm, acho que já sei qual livro eu vou "esquecer" rs...

    Adorei essa ideia, tinha lido no blog da Reali e achei super legal essa ideia... Vou deixar na área do shopping de onde eu trabalho...

    Eu queria MUITO ver a reação da pessoa ao ler o livro...

