domingo, novembro 14

Cheap shampoo, anyone?

Several years ago, my mother in law went to Japan - and on her trips, she always remembers me. Bless her soul!

This time, she arrived with this huge shampoo bottle, and as always, a funny story to accompany it.

She went to a shop, and really liked this shampoo - it would be a good gift for her daughter in law _ MEEEE!

She made her currency calculations, and found out they were only 7 dollars. She would buy two - one for me and one for her.

When she got to the cashier, the guy said:

- US 140,00 please

She was really confused, but there was no way she was going to tell him it was a mistake and because it was too expensive she would not take them Of course she would. And she did.

That's how I got my most expensive bottle of shampoo - and why it lived in my wardrobe for over 3 years, in different countries. Now I grew the courage to open it. And it is divine...

5 comentários:

  1. Gostei da sua visita no meu blog. Apareca sempre. Eu tb tenho uma filha adolescente. E uma fase que nao é fácil nao é mesmo? Um abraco, e volte sempre

  2. O cabelo TEM que ficar uma beleza por esse preço! rsrsrsr
    Eu quero um também!
    Um bj.

  3. Acho que meus cabelos cairiam todos quando eu descobrisse o preço do shampoo e aí não precisaria mais dele!

  4. Inaie, adorei tua visita no meu blog.
    Vim te visitar na tua "casa" e amei tua maneira de escrever.
    Vou te lincar.

  5. Oi, Inaie! Meu caso tórrido com o deus do sexo teria sido perfeito! Mas aí o puto começou a me levar para jantar (com direito a abrir a porta do carro e a pedir a carta de vinhos e tudo o mais), chamar para ir ao cinema, para a praia, desenhou um retrato meu, me deu presentes, enfim. Aí já viu no que deu. rs
