As ruinas do Castelo de Karak ainda atraem turistas do mundo todo, que tentam chegar ao local a tempo de aproveitar a magnifica vista do por do sol, de um dos seus balcoes.
Em 2005, quando o visitei pela primeira vez, tive a oportunidade de me deliciar vendo o sol pintar o castelo de cor de rosa, pouco antes de desaparecer atras das montanhas Jordanianas ( o sol, ne, nao o castelo!).
Hoje, como estavamos a caminho de Petra e nao queriamos pegar estrada a noite, saimos de Karak antes do sol se por.
Ainda assim o passeio foi impressionante. Construido no seculo XI, ele ficava situado na importante rota de caravanas que ligava o Egito a Syria.
No seculo XII o castelo foi conquistado pelos Cruzados e fica a aproximadamente 1000 m acima do nivel do mar. A cidade, que tem mais ou menos 20 mil habitantes, se formou em volta do castelo.
Divido com voces, algumas das fotos que nos tiramos durante essa viagem.
The ruins of Karak Castle still attract tourists from all over the world. Most people try to reach the site in time to enjoy the magnificent view of the sunset, from one of its balconies.
In 2005 when I first visited Karak, I had the opportunity to enjoy watching the sun paint the castle pink, shortly before disappearing behind the Jordanian montains (the sun, not the castle!).
Today, as we were on our way to Petra and did not want to hit the road at night, we left Karak before the sun went down.
Nonetheless, the visit was awesome. Built in the XI century, Karak castle was located in the important caravan route that connected Egypt to Syria.
In the twelfth century the castle was conquered by the Crusaders. It is approximately 1000 m above sea level. The city, which has about 20,000 inhabitants, has developed around the castle.
I will now share with you some of the photos we took during this trip.
In 2005 when I first visited Karak, I had the opportunity to enjoy watching the sun paint the castle pink, shortly before disappearing behind the Jordanian montains (the sun, not the castle!).
Today, as we were on our way to Petra and did not want to hit the road at night, we left Karak before the sun went down.
Nonetheless, the visit was awesome. Built in the XI century, Karak castle was located in the important caravan route that connected Egypt to Syria.
In the twelfth century the castle was conquered by the Crusaders. It is approximately 1000 m above sea level. The city, which has about 20,000 inhabitants, has developed around the castle.
I will now share with you some of the photos we took during this trip.
Paradinha na estrada para apreciar a vista do castelo
Quick stop on the road to appreciate the castle view
Impressionante e imponente!
Impressive and imponent!
Um senhor local sentadinho na frente do castelo, vendo o tempo passar...
An arab man sits in front of the castle, waiting for the time to pass by
Uma das muralhas do castelo
One of it's walls
Ta vendo a Monica la em cima? Eu nao subi por pura preguica pra poder tirar a foto
can you see Monica all the way up the wall? I didnt go there because Í am lazy had to take the pic
Me diz que isso nao e do KCT lindo...
Tell me this is not amazing...
Funcionario do Castelo, preocupado se alguem tinha tentado nos "extorquir"durante a visita. Ele disse que so os guias devidamente identificados eram confiaveis. E pra gente nao cair no conto dos "safados". Mas so avisou na saida, ne? Sorte que a gente e descolada e sabidona e nao deu din din pra ninguem.
Employee of the Castle, worried that someone had tried to "extort us" during the visit. He said the only reliable guides were properly identified. And for us not fall into anyone else's spell. But he only advised us at the exit, right? Lucky we are all very street wise and did not give money to anyone.