Há 3 anos
sábado, março 31
E agora, Jose? What now?
Minha vida esta numa dessas encruzilhadas. E a sensacao e a de que essa nao e a primeira vez, e muito menos sera a ultima. A diferenca e como eu me sinto em frente a situacao.
Ok, ok, eu conto.
Ha 3.5 anos, moramos no Oriente Medio. Sempre soubemos que essa opcao nao e eterna. O Oriente Medio e otimo pra quem quer trabalhar, ter um certo estilo de vida e um dia voltar pra casa.
O problema e que eu nao tenho "casa".
Nosso tempo por aqui esta acabando ( o que me angustia e me desespera, por que eu poderia facilmente ficar aqui pelos proximos 30 anos. Eu me encontrei, eu sou feliz aqui). Meu marido nao quer ficar aqui nem mais um minuto. Ele esta cansado disso tudo e quer ir embora. A situacao na empresa dele tambem nao esta das melhores, e mesmo que ele quisesse ficar, talvez nos nao pudessemos. Tudo e uma grande incognita.
Pensei em arrumar um trabalho em periodo integral e ficar aqui com as meninas, mas nenhum emprego me pagaria o suficiente para que eu pudesse pagar o aluguel a escola delas e viver tranquilamente. Ai a sinuca de bico. Eu nao tenho muita opcao. Embora haja um numero enorme de opcoes disponiveis para "nos", elas sao todas possibilidades, nenhuma certeza, nenhuma garantia.
E eu estou exausta. estou cansada de viver essa vida temporaria. De tres em tres anos, nos empacotamos tudo e vamos embora, comecar do zero em algum lugar novo.
Com a crise mundial, nos nao sabemos nem onde vamos parar dessa vez. Australia? Nova Zelandia? Europa? Hong Kong? Cingapura? Canada? USA?
A verdade e que eu nao queria ir para lugar nenhum. Queria ficar aqui, no Oriente Medio, que e quente e onde eu nao preciso ficar fazendo continha pra ver se a grana vai dar pro supermercado.
Vou ali tomar um Prozac e ja volto!!
My life at one of those crossroads at the moment. I feel this is not the first time and, unfortunately, it will not be the last. The difference now, is how I feel in front of the situation.Ok, ok, I tell you what is going on.We have been in Bahrain for almost 4 years. We always knew living in the Middle East is not a permanent option. The place is great for people who want to come here, work, live a different life style and one day go home.The problem is: I have no "home".Our time here is coming to an end (which distresses me and drives me to despair, as I could easily stay here for the next 30 years. I'm happy here). My husband does not want to stay here any longer. He's tired of it all and wants to leave. He had enough. And the situation in his company is not the best, even if he wanted to stay, we might not be able to. Everything is a big incognita at the moment.I even considered getting a full time job and staying here with girls, but no job would pay me enough so I could pay rent, their school and live comfortably.It seems I do not have many options, I will have to leave this place.
Although there are a huge number of options available to "us", they are all possibilities, none of them are certain. We could do this, we could do that, we could do the other thing. But we may not be able to do any of them.It will all depend on where and if we find a new job.I'm exhausted. I'm tired of living this temporary life. every three years, we packed up everything and leave, starting from scratch, somewhere new.With the global crisis, we do not even know where we will end up this time. Australia? New Zealand? Europe? Hong Kong? Singapore? Canada? USA?The truth is I do not want to go anywhere. I want to stay here in the Middle East, which is hot and where I do not need to be counting coins to see if I can afford the supermarket bill.
I will go there, have a Prozac and will be back soon...
quinta-feira, março 29
Inspiracao Musical / Musical inspiration
pic from google
foto da internet
Acabei de me lembrar da epoca do colegial, quando eu namorava um menino que tinha uma banda super badalada em Campinas. Eles faziam shows enormes, todo mundo conhecia e prestigiava o grupo.
Ai terminamos, ne?
E ele fez uma musica onde o refrao era:
- Inaieeeee vais e fudeeeeee!
E tocou pra escola toda ouvir.
I just remembered a situation, back when I was a teenager. I has a boyfriend who was the vocalist of a band, and this group was quite known in our home town.
When we broke up, he wrote a lyric that said"
Fuck you Inaieeee
And he played to the whole school to hear.
In portuguese it rhymes. It sounded quite musical...
quarta-feira, março 28
Texto em Portugues logo abaixo desse
Do you remember when I shared my despair because my older child decided to dye her hair? can't remember? Check here
The time for redemption finally arrived.
Anita's roots were growing for a while and she was always complaining she looked like a zebra, with her bi color hair.
I waited as long as I could, savoured the victory ( although I held my tong not to yell I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO! ok, maybe I did tell her that, I can't really recall.)
When I thought shesuffered enough learned her lesson, and would listen to me hahaha, silly, stupid me, I decided to take her to a hairdresser I trust to undo the damage.
They don't really speak English, but they are very, very good at what they dowhen they understand what you want.
The owner of the salon comes around and takes charge of the situation.
- We need to get her hair back to it's natural color.
- Like this? ( and she would point at the hair)
- No. We make this part ( pointing at the blond hair) like this ( pointing at natural hair)
- So I make all same?
- Yes, you make all same. Dark. like roots.
And off I went to get my henna done. Next i hear :
- Mum, I think they are coloring the roots - making it blond.
I look, and sure enough they are coloring the roots!
I run towards the three hairdressers and try to explain they are doing it all wrong.
They call the owner who says to me:
- I ask, you say yes.
- I meant all dark. Like this ( and show the roots)
- Ah. No problem. but you said like this.
I agree to disagree and go back to my henna treatment.
Anita has her hair colored, washed and they are drying it when she calles me back:
- Mum!! Look at this.
I look and can't decide if I am going to laugh or cry. Anita's hair is a beautiful color. looks totally natural - but the roots are bright blond. Like we asked them to invert the colors...
Here comes the owner again. She does not even say anything in English. She takes Anita to have her hair washed, yells at the hair dressers and gets more color into Anita's hair.
By then I was expecting it all to fall off. seriously. But instead, Anita leaves several minutes later with a gorgeous, silky looking hair, exactly the color of her own hair.
Phew! Mission accomplished. Anita looks beautiful again...
Voces se lembram quando a Anita decidiu pintar o cabelo dela de loiro? Nao se lembra? A historia ta aqui.
Pois finalmente o bem prevaleceu,como nas historias em quadrinho, e o dia da redencao chegou!
Faz tempo que ela esta reclamando que a raiz dela esta crescendo e que ela parece uma zebra, com a cabeleira listrada. Ah Jura? Como se eu nao tivesse avisado, ne?
Deixei a raiz crescer uns 3 dedos, pro aprendizado ser solidificado na memoria dela, e me segurei pra nao sair pulando, dancando e gritando: EU AVISEI! EU AVISEI! EU AVISEI! ( Ok, talvez eu nao tenha me segurado tanto assim e tenha emsmo dito isso repetidamente).
Quandome cansei de andar com ela com o cabelo tao feio do meu lado, achei que ela tinha aprendido a licao, eu a levei a uma cabelereira de confianca pra consertar a bobagem que ela tinha feito.
La no salao ninguem fala ingles direito - e como eu nao falo arabe nenhum, a coisa e mais ou menos na base da mimica e de meias palavras.
A dona do salao veio ver o que a gente queria fazer no cabelo da Anita.
- Pintar. Uma cor so.
- Essa cor?
- Nao. Tudo dessa cor - e eu mostrava a raiz, com a cor natural do cabelo na Anita.
A dona do salao colocou tres cabelereiras pra fazer o cabelo da Anita. Eu fui fazer a minha henna.
Um pouco depois a Anita grita:
- Mae, acho que elas estao pintando a minha raiz.
Corro la, e batata! Gesticulo, pulo, esperneio. Tudo pra dizer que nao e pra amarelar a raiz, mas pra escurecer o resto.
La volta a dona do salao. Explico de novo.
- Eu pergunto. Voce fala errado. Eu faco o que voce fala.
Peco edsculpas, concordo com ela ( brigar com a mulher a essa altura e que eu nao posso, ne?)
Ela pega a Anita, leva la pro fundo e volta com ela cheia de tintura, dessa vez no cabelo todo. respiro aliviada.
Cabelo tingido, lavado, quando vao secar, ouco a Anita edsesperada:
- Maaaaeeeee...
O cabelo dela esta parecendo uma zebra. Mas uma zebra invertida. A raiz loira e o resto do cabelo da cor natural. Gelo.
la vem a dona do salao.
Dessa vez nao precisamos nem falar nada. Ela epgou a Anita, comecou a gritar com as cabelereiras e foi la pro fundo.
Anita voltou com o cabelo lindo. Parecia que aquele cabelo nunca tinha visto tinta. Ela acertou a cor natural certinha e o cabelo ainda pareceu hidratado e com brilho.
Ufa! Missao cumprida. E comprida.
Do you remember when I shared my despair because my older child decided to dye her hair? can't remember? Check here
The time for redemption finally arrived.
Anita's roots were growing for a while and she was always complaining she looked like a zebra, with her bi color hair.
I waited as long as I could, savoured the victory ( although I held my tong not to yell I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO! ok, maybe I did tell her that, I can't really recall.)
When I thought she
They don't really speak English, but they are very, very good at what they do
The owner of the salon comes around and takes charge of the situation.
- We need to get her hair back to it's natural color.
- Like this? ( and she would point at the hair)
- No. We make this part ( pointing at the blond hair) like this ( pointing at natural hair)
- So I make all same?
- Yes, you make all same. Dark. like roots.
And off I went to get my henna done. Next i hear :
- Mum, I think they are coloring the roots - making it blond.
I look, and sure enough they are coloring the roots!
I run towards the three hairdressers and try to explain they are doing it all wrong.
They call the owner who says to me:
- I ask, you say yes.
- I meant all dark. Like this ( and show the roots)
- Ah. No problem. but you said like this.
I agree to disagree and go back to my henna treatment.
Anita has her hair colored, washed and they are drying it when she calles me back:
- Mum!! Look at this.
I look and can't decide if I am going to laugh or cry. Anita's hair is a beautiful color. looks totally natural - but the roots are bright blond. Like we asked them to invert the colors...
Here comes the owner again. She does not even say anything in English. She takes Anita to have her hair washed, yells at the hair dressers and gets more color into Anita's hair.
By then I was expecting it all to fall off. seriously. But instead, Anita leaves several minutes later with a gorgeous, silky looking hair, exactly the color of her own hair.
Phew! Mission accomplished. Anita looks beautiful again...
Voces se lembram quando a Anita decidiu pintar o cabelo dela de loiro? Nao se lembra? A historia ta aqui.
Pois finalmente o bem prevaleceu,
Faz tempo que ela esta reclamando que a raiz dela esta crescendo e que ela parece uma zebra, com a cabeleira listrada. Ah Jura? Como se eu nao tivesse avisado, ne?
Deixei a raiz crescer uns 3 dedos, pro aprendizado ser solidificado na memoria dela, e me segurei pra nao sair pulando, dancando e gritando: EU AVISEI! EU AVISEI! EU AVISEI! ( Ok, talvez eu nao tenha me segurado tanto assim e tenha emsmo dito isso repetidamente).
La no salao ninguem fala ingles direito - e como eu nao falo arabe nenhum, a coisa e mais ou menos na base da mimica e de meias palavras.
A dona do salao veio ver o que a gente queria fazer no cabelo da Anita.
- Pintar. Uma cor so.
- Essa cor?
- Nao. Tudo dessa cor - e eu mostrava a raiz, com a cor natural do cabelo na Anita.
A dona do salao colocou tres cabelereiras pra fazer o cabelo da Anita. Eu fui fazer a minha henna.
Um pouco depois a Anita grita:
- Mae, acho que elas estao pintando a minha raiz.
Corro la, e batata! Gesticulo, pulo, esperneio. Tudo pra dizer que nao e pra amarelar a raiz, mas pra escurecer o resto.
La volta a dona do salao. Explico de novo.
- Eu pergunto. Voce fala errado. Eu faco o que voce fala.
Peco edsculpas, concordo com ela ( brigar com a mulher a essa altura e que eu nao posso, ne?)
Ela pega a Anita, leva la pro fundo e volta com ela cheia de tintura, dessa vez no cabelo todo. respiro aliviada.
Cabelo tingido, lavado, quando vao secar, ouco a Anita edsesperada:
- Maaaaeeeee...
O cabelo dela esta parecendo uma zebra. Mas uma zebra invertida. A raiz loira e o resto do cabelo da cor natural. Gelo.
la vem a dona do salao.
Dessa vez nao precisamos nem falar nada. Ela epgou a Anita, comecou a gritar com as cabelereiras e foi la pro fundo.
Anita voltou com o cabelo lindo. Parecia que aquele cabelo nunca tinha visto tinta. Ela acertou a cor natural certinha e o cabelo ainda pareceu hidratado e com brilho.
Ufa! Missao cumprida. E comprida.
A cabra / Goat
Anita faz equitacao num estabulo onde moram varios outros animais. Hoje, quando chegamos la, o dono do estabulo veio correndo nos mostrar uma cabra bebezinha.
Ficamos enlouquecidas - eu, Anita e Mia ( nossa cadelinha que tambem tinha ido ao estabulo).
Era um tal de pega, abraca, aperta, faz cafune...
Ai eu perguntei:
- Posso levar para casa?
Como ninguem me leva a serio, o cara disse que eu podia sim.
Nao tive duvidas. Enfiei a cabritinha no carro e sai rapidinho.
La em casa foi outra farra. A Lia quase ficou louca com ela. E depois de brincarem um monte, ela levou a bichinha pra sala de TV, a colocou sobre o peito e as duas dormiram.
Foi muito triste ter que levar a cabra de volta ( antes que alguem chamasse a policia...)
When we arrive at the stable where Anita rides, we had a great surprise: they had a baby goat on the premisses.
We all went crazy, including Mia, our cavalier king Charles Spaniel! We held, hugged, kissed and patted her. And when I asked her owner if I could take her home, he said "sure".
I love the fact no one takes me seriously!
I run to the car with her, where she was a total success once again.
Lia played with the baby goat until they were both exhausted, then she went to the TV room, lie on the floor with the baby on her chest and they both feel asleep.
It hurt to take her back to the stable a couple of hours later...
segunda-feira, março 26
Build a bear - fabrique um urso!
Essa semana um cliente me ligou pedindo compania pra ir comprar presentes para as filhas que ainda estao na Europa. A familia vai ficar separada os primeiros 6 meses e depois "talvez" a esposa e as filhinhas se juntem a ele. As meninas ainda sao bem pequenas, tem 3 e 5 anos.
Logo me lembrei da lojinha onde voce "fabrica"o seu proprio bicho de pelucia, personalizando-o.
Primeiro voce escolhe o animalzinho ainda vazio - e a experiencia comeca ai.
Voce escolhe o bicho, a densidade do "recheio", ai voce pode colocar uma mensagem gravada dentro do bichinho ( principalmente se for um presente), e depois a parte final - escolher a roupa e o carater do seu novo amiguinho.
Eu achei que seria facil. Quao dificil pode ser vestir um bicho de pelucia?
Ledo engano o meu.
This week a client asked me to take him "gift shopping" for his lil girls who are still in Europe. The family will be separated for the first six months and then "maybe" his wife and daughters will join him here. The girls are still very young, 3 and 5 years old.Racking my brain to think about a nice gift for lil kids, I remembered the shop where you make your own stuffed animal.First you choose the animal you will want to have, then you stuff it yourself, choosing how dense or how soft you want it to be. You can even chose to record a message and put it inside it ( great idea if it is a gift). Then all you need to do is dress it up.Easy, right?
Oh no. Wrong, very wrong! Choosing clothes you are also choosing the character of your new friend.
Escolher as roupinhas do dito cujo e muito mais complexo que escolher as suas proprias. Por que voce tem que decidir quem e que esse bichinho vai ser.
Choosing the animal's clothes proved to be more challenging than choosing my own, because you have to decide who this lil animal will be.
Tem roupa de mergulhador, bailarina, cavaleiro e patinador. Tem pijama, vestido de festa, bolsa e oculos de sol. Tem cabelo, meia, calcinha e cueca. De todas as cores. Sapatos? Esses dao inveja ate a nos, seres humanos.
It can be a diver, a balerina, a hockey or a skater. You can also get a night gown, pijamas, bags and sun shades. You may even decide to buy some extra hair, socks and underware. There are so many choices, it is not even fun. And that's not to mention the shoes.
Os ursos/camelos/girafas, podem usar salto alto, tenis ou patins. Voce escolhe.
O bichinho de pelucia custa entre 30 e 55 reais. Cada peca de roupa tem um preco diferente, cada acessorio um valor.
Eu confesso que me diverti na loja, revirando cabides e guarda roupas, procurando pecas que combinavam, que fossem impressionar as menininhas.
O pai tambem se empolgou com a brincadeira. se empolgou tanto que acabou saindo de la com os bichos super emperiquitados e a conta total de QUINHENTOS REAIS. Duzentos e cinquenta reais por bicho de pelucia.
Se o cartao de credito fosse meu, eu teria perdido completamente o prazer pela brincadeira, mas como nao foi meu, achei delicioso sair da loja puxando dois bichos de pelucia com patins, perucas, oculos e bolsas combinando...
Your Bear / camel / giraffe, can wear high heels, shoes or skates. It is totally up to you.The stuffed animal costs between 15 and 27 dollars. Each piece of clothing has a different price, each accessory it's own price tag.I confess I loved the store, all the options, so many choices, so many wardrobes. I spent a long time looking for pieces that match, imagining what my own kids would like, thinking what choices would impress the little girls.The father also was excited and enjoyed picking different clothes and acessories for the bears.
When they were ready, I almost had a heart attack - the bill reached 265 dollars. For two stuffed animals ( wearing very fancy clothes, i confess).
If the credit card was mine, I would have had a heart attack, but as it was not, I left the store pulling two gorgeous stuffed animals with skates, wigs, sunglasses and bags to match ...
Logo me lembrei da lojinha onde voce "fabrica"o seu proprio bicho de pelucia, personalizando-o.
Primeiro voce escolhe o animalzinho ainda vazio - e a experiencia comeca ai.
Voce escolhe o bicho, a densidade do "recheio", ai voce pode colocar uma mensagem gravada dentro do bichinho ( principalmente se for um presente), e depois a parte final - escolher a roupa e o carater do seu novo amiguinho.
Eu achei que seria facil. Quao dificil pode ser vestir um bicho de pelucia?
Ledo engano o meu.
This week a client asked me to take him "gift shopping" for his lil girls who are still in Europe. The family will be separated for the first six months and then "maybe" his wife and daughters will join him here. The girls are still very young, 3 and 5 years old.Racking my brain to think about a nice gift for lil kids, I remembered the shop where you make your own stuffed animal.First you choose the animal you will want to have, then you stuff it yourself, choosing how dense or how soft you want it to be. You can even chose to record a message and put it inside it ( great idea if it is a gift). Then all you need to do is dress it up.Easy, right?
Oh no. Wrong, very wrong! Choosing clothes you are also choosing the character of your new friend.
Escolher as roupinhas do dito cujo e muito mais complexo que escolher as suas proprias. Por que voce tem que decidir quem e que esse bichinho vai ser.
Choosing the animal's clothes proved to be more challenging than choosing my own, because you have to decide who this lil animal will be.
Tem roupa de mergulhador, bailarina, cavaleiro e patinador. Tem pijama, vestido de festa, bolsa e oculos de sol. Tem cabelo, meia, calcinha e cueca. De todas as cores. Sapatos? Esses dao inveja ate a nos, seres humanos.
It can be a diver, a balerina, a hockey or a skater. You can also get a night gown, pijamas, bags and sun shades. You may even decide to buy some extra hair, socks and underware. There are so many choices, it is not even fun. And that's not to mention the shoes.
Os ursos/camelos/girafas, podem usar salto alto, tenis ou patins. Voce escolhe.
O bichinho de pelucia custa entre 30 e 55 reais. Cada peca de roupa tem um preco diferente, cada acessorio um valor.
Eu confesso que me diverti na loja, revirando cabides e guarda roupas, procurando pecas que combinavam, que fossem impressionar as menininhas.
O pai tambem se empolgou com a brincadeira. se empolgou tanto que acabou saindo de la com os bichos super emperiquitados e a conta total de QUINHENTOS REAIS. Duzentos e cinquenta reais por bicho de pelucia.
Se o cartao de credito fosse meu, eu teria perdido completamente o prazer pela brincadeira, mas como nao foi meu, achei delicioso sair da loja puxando dois bichos de pelucia com patins, perucas, oculos e bolsas combinando...
Your Bear / camel / giraffe, can wear high heels, shoes or skates. It is totally up to you.The stuffed animal costs between 15 and 27 dollars. Each piece of clothing has a different price, each accessory it's own price tag.I confess I loved the store, all the options, so many choices, so many wardrobes. I spent a long time looking for pieces that match, imagining what my own kids would like, thinking what choices would impress the little girls.The father also was excited and enjoyed picking different clothes and acessories for the bears.
When they were ready, I almost had a heart attack - the bill reached 265 dollars. For two stuffed animals ( wearing very fancy clothes, i confess).
If the credit card was mine, I would have had a heart attack, but as it was not, I left the store pulling two gorgeous stuffed animals with skates, wigs, sunglasses and bags to match ...
sábado, março 24
Duke of Edimburgh Bronze Award - Certificado Duque de Edimburgo
foto daqui
pic from here
Esse fim de semana foi o primeiro fim de semana que a Anita passou fora de casa sozinha. Desde que ela tem 3 anos ed idade, ela atravessa o mundo na compania dos avos, de amigos e da irma mais nova, para encontrar a familia esperando por ela no aeroporto do lado de la.Muitas vezes elas - tanto a Anita quanto a Lia fizeram os trajetos Nova Zelandia - Brasil, Australia - Brasil, Dubai Brasil, Bahrain - Brasil sem estarem acompanhadas dos pais. Eu sempre dormi tranquila, por que sabia que assim que o aviao pousasse elas seriam recebidas pelos avos no Brasil ou por nos do lado de ca.
Dessa vez a viagem foi muito mais curta. Bahrain-Oman e bem pertinho. Mas quando ela desembarcou em Oman, a aventura que a esperava seria muito diferente.
Tres dias caminhando pelas praias e montanhas de Oman. Dormindo em tendas que ela e os colegas armaram sozinhos, cozinhando a propria comida e tendo que seguir a rota do GPS em lugares ermos, enquanto carregavam as proprias mochilas.
Eu e o Fabio deixamos que ela fosse por que nos sabemos quando chega a hora de soltar as amarras, deixar o bichinho criar asas.
Mas o meu coracao ficou na boca o fimd e semana inteiro. Eu sabia que eles nao teriam como se comunicar pelo celular, que eu so saberia dela quando o aviao pousasse aqui em Bahrain, onde mais uma vez eu a estaria esperando.
Como sempre, fiz cara de durona, fingi que estava feliz por ela ter ido ( ja perdi a conta de quantas vezes eu fiz esse mesmo numero), mas dessa vez nao consegui dormir, nao consegui relaxar enquanto ela nao veio tagarelando ao nosso encontro no aeroporto.
Ouvir as historias da viagem, como ela subiu montanhas, andou em rios no meio do nada, como ela torceu o tornozelo mas assim mesmo fez questao de carregar a propria mochila para nao sobrecarregar os companheiros de viagem me encheram de orgulho.
Houve um momento, na manha da quinta feira quando fui leva-la ao encontro do grupo, que duvidei que ela seria capaz de completar a prova.
Depois de termos passado e repassado a lista das coisas que ela precisaria levar, ela esqueceu a maquina fotografica em casa e no caminho de 5 minutos entre a nossa casa e o lugar onde o onibus os esperava para levar ao aeroporto, ela perdeu o passaporte.
Tive medo que desse tudo errado.
Mas uma amiga ha muitos anos ja havia me alertado. Eles estao ouvindo. Eles prestam atencao. E assim que voce vira as costas, eles colocam todo esse conhecimento em pratica. Obrigada Silvana, por acalmar meu coracao. Voce tinha razao. Ela sabia o que estava fazendo.
Agoea eu estou aqui, toda orgulhosa da minha filha que esta dolorida, com o pe torcido e exausta, mas com uma auto confianca de dar inveja a muito marmanjo, por que nessa viagem ela descobriu que e capaz de muito mais do que ela mesma imaginava. Ela descobriu que consegue ultrapassar os proprios limites, e que acima de tudo ela aprendeu que o que traz sucesso e o trabalho conjunto. Por isso eles nao comeram o Roberto quando ele comecou a encher o saco de todo mundo, e se revezaram para carregar a mochila da Mira quando ela estava querendo desistir de tudo.
Filha, to morrendo de orgulho de voce! Ta aqui o link do site do programa. vale a pena dar uma olhada!
This weekend was the first time Anita travelled overseas by herself. It is true she has been travelling "alone" since she was three, but we always had both girls together and until Anita was 11, they only travelled with an adult I knew. A grandparent, a friend, someone I trusted.
For the last 3.5 years, they have been travelling as unacompanied minors, but they get assistance all the way and we know there will be two sets of grandparents waiting for them at the airport when they touch ground.
This time the trip was much shorter, Bahrain-Oman are neighbour conutries. But when she arrived in Oman, the adventure that awaited for her would be completely different.Three days walking on the beaches and mountains of Oman. Sleeping in tents that she and her teen colleagues put up themselves, cooking her own food and having to follow the GPS in deserted places to get from check point to check point, all the time carrying their own backpacks.Fabio and I let her go because we believe in raising free responsible kids who will not chicken out when they face a challenge in life.But I have to confess I did not relax a minute during the weekend. My heart and my head were far away, trying to imagine what was happening to Anita, wondering if she was cold, if she was hungry or if she was afraid.
I knew they would not be able to call us until the plane landed here in Bahrain. All I could do was wait and hope for the best, trust she would be OK.
And I did what I do best. I pretended to be happy she went, I put on a tough face and just behaved like everything was fine and I knew she was ok, when I was terrified she was fara way and would not be able to call for help if she needed anything. I did not sleep, I did not relax until I saw her at the airport.
When I heard all the stories from her journey, how she climbed mountains, walked into rivers in the middle of nowhere, how she hurt her ankle but still carried her backpack, not to be a non sense to her group, it filled my heart and soul with pride.There was a moment, just before she left, when I doubted she would be able to complete the task.After we went over and overthe list of things she needed to take, she forgot the camera at home and lost her passport in the car, during our 5 minute journey to the school.I confess I was afraid the trip could be a big, fat disaster.But many years ago, a friend warned me. They're listening, Inaie. They pay attention. And when you turn your back, they put all that knowledge into practice. Thank you Silvana for calming my heart and giving me hope. You were right. She knew what she was doing.Now I'm here, proud of my daughter for her acomplishment, knowing she realized during this trip she is capable of much more than she imagined . She learned she can overcome her own limits, and how emppowering team work can be. Together they decided not to eat Roberto when they were all hungry and he was complaining about everything, and they carried Mira's backpack when she felt she could no longer do it.
Anita, I have never been so proud of you as I am today!
Here is the link for the Duke of Edimburgh program - I recommend it.
quarta-feira, março 21
foto daqui
pic from here
Tava la no blog da S.W lendo o que aconteceu com ela na academia, e nao resisti em contar a minha historinha tambem. S.W, obrigada por inspirar o post de hoje. :-)
Fui ao Brasil e comprei uma bota ( que nem era tao cara).
- Quer parcelar?
- Nao.
- Mas nao tem juro.
- Nao quero, obrigada.
- Mas e melhor para voce...
- Meu cartao nao parcela -e emitido no exterior.
- Parcela sim. Todo cartao parcela.
E la foi a fulana parcelar o meu cartao...
A proxima coisa que eu ouvi foi um grito vindo la do escritorio da espelunca:
Nunca passei tanta raiva na minha vida. Ai a idiota passou o cartao em uma unica parcela e ele magicamente foi aceito.
I was visiting SW blog ( sorry - it is in Portuguese) where she tells a story about her gym making a mistake in charging her montly fees, then blocking her access to the premises.
I could not help but remember a time when I went to Brazil on holidays and went shoe shopping. I bought a nice pair of boots. At the cashier:
- Do you want to pay in installments? ( Brazilian credit cards offer payments in installments without charging interest)
- No, thanks.
- But there is no interest.
- No thanks.
- But it is better for you.
- My card is international, it does not offer this option
- Of course it does. All cards do
And off she went to give me the installments option. Next I hear is someone yelling from the office:
- Inaie Ramalho! Inaie Ramalho! Your card has no money in it.
You can only imagine how furious I was when I heard that yelled across the shop.
Of course the funds magically appeared when they tried the normal debt.
terça-feira, março 20
Princess Bari
foto da internet
pic from the net
Quando vi a propaganda desse show, fiquei alucinada. Tudo tao colorido, tao dinamico, que eu fiquei BABANDO de vontade de ir! E ia ser meu primeiro show Koreano.
Lia foi generosa o suficiente de ir comigo.
Eue stava tao feliz de assistir ao espetaculo, que errei o horario e chegamos la mais de 45 minutos adiantadas. Um frio do KCT, fiz questaod e levar um cobertor ( pq eu sou chic) pra me enrolar.
E dai que iam dizer que eu sou velha coroca? Frio e que eu nao ia passar.
Lia ficou horrorizada com a ideia do cobertor, mas eu levei um pra ela tambem. Nao queria que a minha filha passasse frio.
Foi facil estacionar ( chegamos cedo demais, lembra?) , nos sentamos e ficamos esperando o show.
O lugar ficou relativamente cheio - quem e que nao ia querer ver esse explendor, ne?
E o show comecou. Ou eu acho que comecou, pq estava tao devagar que eu nao tinha muita certeza.
E os movimentos eram desarticulados, sem graca e se o show tinha uma historia ( e eu dei um google depois e descobri que TINHA historia), eu nao percebi nem entendi patavinas.
E achei feio.
E as roupas eram sem graca. As coreografias desconexas.
Um horror. Um desastre. A unica coisa boa era a companhia da Lia - e os cobertores, pq estava um frio danado.
Lili narrava o show pra mim. E ele se arrasta no palco. Devagar, bem devagar. E ele continua se arrastando no palco. Morreu. E estao arrastando o morto... e por ai ia.
Quando nem eu nem ela aguentavamos mais, decidimos ir embora. Nos levantamos e com cuidado para nao atrapalhar algum maluco que estivesse gostando, fomos para a porta. Que estava trancada.
Pedi pro cara abrir.
- Precisa esperar o show acabar.
- Nao quero. Quero ir embora.
- Nao pode. tem que esperar acabar.
-Mas vc nao pode me prender aqui.
- nao. Nao posso.
-Entao abre.
- So quando acabar...
Eu ja estava me imaginandos endo levada pela policia pelo escandalo que eu ia comecar a fazer, mas nao precisei.
Uma arabe falou alguma coisa para o guarda ( em arabe) e ele abriu uma frestinha da porta para ela passar. nao tive duvidas. Enfiei o meu pe na fresta, joguei o meu peso contra a porta e comecei a gritar que eu ia sair e pronto.
E eles fecharam a porta com a Lia pra dentro.
Como a maca nao cai longe da macieira, ela comecou a esmurrar a porta, se jogou contra os segurancas e tambem conseguiu sair.
E eu gritava:
- Corre Lia! Corre se nao eles vao levar a gente de volta e vao nos obrigar a assistir o show ate o final...
Nunca rimos tanto!
When I saw the advertisement for this show, I could barely hold the excitment. It all seemed so colorful, so dynamic, I was dying to go! And it would also be my first Korean show.Lia was generous enough to agree to go with me.I was so enthusiastic about it, we got there more than 45 minutes early. It was cold as hell, so I made sure to take a blanket (because I'm chic) to wrap myself in.I don't care if you think I am old or have no aesthetic sense. I refuse to be cold.Lia was horrified about it, but I took one for her too. I did not want my daughter to be cold either.It was easy to park (we arrived too early, remember?), And we took our seats and waited for the show.The place was relatively full - who would not want to see this amazing display of colors and talent?And the show began. Or I thought it started, because it was so slow I was not really sure.The movements were uncoordinated, without grace, and if the show had a story (and I did google it and found out they HAD a story), I did not understand a thing.
The performance was dreadful. Ugly. The clothes had no glamour at all. The choreography seemed disconnected.It was horrible. A total disaster. The only good thing there was Lia's company - and the blankets, because it was darn cold.Lili narrated the show for me. He drags himself onstage. Slowly, very slowly. He keeps dragging himself all over the stage. He died. And they are dragging him after death ... and painfully we watched.When neither of us could take it any longer, we decided to leave.
We got up and left quietly, being careful not to disturb some crazy person who might be enjoying it. Off to the door we went. To my surprise, it was locked.I asked the security guard to open it.- You need to wait for the show to end. - I do not want to do that. I want to leave now.- You can not. You will have to wait.- You can not hold me here.- No. I can not.- So open it.- Only when it ends ...When I was getting ready to trow a tantrun, an Arab woman said something to the guard (in Arabic) and he opened the door for her to pass. I had no doubts. I stuck my foot in the opening, threw my weight against the door and started screaming so hard he decided to let me out.
But they closed the door with Lia still inside.As the apple does not fall far from the tree, she started banging on the door, threw herself against the security guards and also managed to get out.When I saw her coming out, I screamed:- Run Lia! Run or they will take us back and make us watch the whole show!
But they closed the door with Lia still inside.As the apple does not fall far from the tree, she started banging on the door, threw herself against the security guards and also managed to get out.When I saw her coming out, I screamed:- Run Lia! Run or they will take us back and make us watch the whole show!
We never laughed so much in our lives.
segunda-feira, março 19
Mae passa cada aperto... Only a mother's heart can handle it!
Anita e Lia foram pra uma festa super badalada. A meia noite e meia, toca a minha campainha, eu aperto o interfone, pras duas entrarem.
To doida pra dormir, e ja estou devidamente acocorada no meu pijama do Sponge Bob.
- mae, sai aqui.
- Nao Lia. To dormindo. entra.
- Mae, sai aqui. Voce precisa sair...
ja pensei as maiores bobagens. troquei de roupa e desci correndo. fabio acordou e ja ia se trocando pra me ajudar a "resolver o problema".
Chego la embaixo e estao as minhas duas filhas, o amigo que foi com elas a festa ( filho de uma amiga minha) e o motorista da familia deles.
Meu coracao disparado. O que sera que aconteceu agora?
- mae, entra no carro.
- Nao.
- Entra, mae.
Entro. E as duas ligam a massagem do bando de tras do carro!
Ufa! Dessa vez elas so queriam dividir uma coisa legal comigo... Que alivio. Ja estava achando que era encrenca...
Both my kids went to a party in one of the ebst restaurants in town.
After mid night, my bell rings, I open the gate and say: just come in. From the intercom I hear my yunger child:
- Mum, come down.
- No. I am sleeping.
- You have to.
My heart skips a beat. Here we go again. Probably another parent complaining about something they did or said...
I change from my Sponge Bob pijamas. Fabio wakes up and starts dressing too.
I run down the stairs. When I get there, there are both my girls, the boy they went with ( son of a friend of mine) and their driver.
I am almost in panic, trying to guess what happened.
- get into the car, my daughter says.
- No. tell me what happened.
- get in!
I give up and get into the car. They turn on the massage chair, on the back of the car.
WOW! I never saw anything like that.
At least this time they wanted to share something nice with me. What a relief...
sábado, março 17
Julio Iglesias
foto daqui
pic from here
Julio Iglesias veio a Bahrain, participar do festival da primavera. Eu confesso que fico meio enlouquecida essa epoca do ano, por que tudodeumavezagora, varios artistas vem pra ca. E o resto do ano, nao acontece praticamente nada na area cultural.
Entao, eu me sinto como um camelo - que tem que estocar o maximo de agua possivel na corcunda, pra se preparar para os dias de seca no deserto. Durante o festival, quero ir a todos os shows, abracar o mundo, assistir a tudo o
que eu puder.
O Julio ( ai como eu to intima) viria no ano passado, mas o festival foi cancelado
por causa dos conflitos e ele acabou assinando contrato pra esse ano. Eu nao ia, eu nem gosto dele os convites estavam bem caros e como sao muitos
shows, eu tive que acabar escolhendo os meus favoritos. Julio Iglesias ia ficar
pra outra oportunidade.
O negocio e que uma amiga me ligou e disse que tinha dois
convites na ala VIP que ela gostaria de
me dar. Aceitei na hora, claro. De graca, ate injecao na testa...e se for botox entao, ja peco logo varias picadas.
No dia do show, Fabio acordou se sentindo meio mal e ficou
em casa – eu fui com um amigo.
Fui sem grandes expectativas. Me lembro de ter crescido
ouvindo Julio Iglesias, ate a minha avo era fa dele. Meio Roberto Carlos
espanhol. E eu nao ouco Roberto Carlos.
Ja de cara me surpreendi com o carisma dele. O cara tem 68
anos e tem um dominio de palco de dar inveja a garotinho de Las Vegas. Show de
Ele cantou em Espanhol, em Ingles e em Italiano. A voz dele
nao se tocou que o resto do corpo envelheceu e continua fazendo e acontecendo!
Ele cantou musicas romanticas, cantou tres tangos ( e dois
bailarinos excepcionais dancaram no palco durante essas apresentacoes),
conversou com o publico, fez piadinha e encantou todo mundo.
O cara e fera. Nao vou ficar aqui discutindo gosto ou
qualidade musical. Isso todo mundo conhece e ja tem opiniao formada, ninguem
precisa do meu pitaco.
O que eu quero falar e do talento dele como show man. Como
ele cativa a audiencia, faz piadas perigosas :
Nossa, eu nunca imaginei que um dia estaria
tomando vodka em Bahrain, numa garrafinha de Evian...
Nao sei se a minha mae tem ascendencia arabe ou
Judia, mas sei que ela e minha mae. Ja meu pai, esse eu nem sei se e meu pai...
Uma vez eu tive uma namorada arabe...foram os
melhores anos da minha vida...e ficou suspirando...
Se voces dancarem um tango com o seu amante marido hoje e nao ficar gravida, amanha cedo
voce ligue para os eu medico...
Tudo muito inocente e razoavel, voce deve estar pensando.
Mas nos moramos num pais arabe, onde os “pode”e “nao pode” sao muito diferentes
dos normais.
E ele colocou as back vocals em vestidos super sexy e provocantes, colocou a dancarina de tango com as costas e pernas completamente de fora e pra completar a ousadia, a dancarina brasileira lascou um beijo na boca dele – depois jurou que tinha sido surpresa ate pra ele...
E ele colocou as back vocals em vestidos super sexy e provocantes, colocou a dancarina de tango com as costas e pernas completamente de fora e pra completar a ousadia, a dancarina brasileira lascou um beijo na boca dele – depois jurou que tinha sido surpresa ate pra ele...
Resumindo, o cara aos 68 anos de idade segura o
palco e o publico na unha. E entre thobes e abbayas ele foi aplaudido de pe.
Julio Iglesias came to Bahrain, to participate in the "spring of cultures". Every year, the Ministry of Culture organizes a huge number of shows from all over the world and brings them to perform in Bahrain. I confess I get crazy this time of the year, because it all happens at once, and for the next 11 months, nothing really exciting happens in the cultural scene.
So, I feel like a camel - who has to store as much water as possible in it's hump, to prepare for the days of drought in the desert. During the festival, I go to all shows, watch everything I can, trying to embrace the world.Julio (calling him by his first name - who do I think I am?) was booked to came last year, but the festival was canceled due to the political conflicts, so they postponed the show for this year.
I wasn't going,I do not even like him , the tickets were very expensive, there are many shows, and I had to pick my favorites. Julio Iglesias was going to wait for another chance.But a friend called me and offered me two VIP tickets. Of course I accepted them right away. In Brazil we have a saying : "for free we even accept injections on our foreheads" Of course this was before botox, because now we PAY for those...
On the day of the show, Fabio woke up feeling a little sick and decided to stay home - I went with a friend.I went without high expectations. I remember growing up listening to Julio Iglesias, my grandmother liked him.
As soon as he arrived on stage, he surprised me with his charisma. The guy is 68 years and has a great stage presence. He reminded me of Las Vegas shows. Just amazing.
He sang in Spanish, in English and Italian. He sang romantic songs, sang three tangos (two exceptional dancers danced on stage during these presentations), he spoke to the audience, made little jokes and charmed everyone.The man is great on stage. I will not be here discussing musical taste.
What impressed me was the way he interacted with the public, how he managed to get people laughing, crying and singing with him.
Some of his jokes were even innaporpriate:
- Wow, I never imagined that one day I would be drinking vodka in Bahrain, from a small bottle of Evian ...
- I do not know if my mother was Jewish or Arab descent, but I know she was my mother. But my father, I do not even know if he was my father ...
- I once had an arab girlfriend ... those were the best years of my life ...
- If you guys dance a tango with yourlover husband today and do not get pregnant, tomorrow you should call a doctor ...
All very innocent and reasonable, you must be thinking. But we live in an Arab country, where "OK" and "not OK" are very different from what we are used to.
His dancers were wearing very "revealling"clothes, the tango dancer was showing all her back and her legs were totally exposed. The Brazilian dancer gave him a passionate, wet kiss on the lips, that surprised everyone.In short, the guy with 68 years of age and is holding the stage and the audience as if he was on his 30's.
So, I feel like a camel - who has to store as much water as possible in it's hump, to prepare for the days of drought in the desert. During the festival, I go to all shows, watch everything I can, trying to embrace the world.Julio (calling him by his first name - who do I think I am?) was booked to came last year, but the festival was canceled due to the political conflicts, so they postponed the show for this year.
I wasn't going,
On the day of the show, Fabio woke up feeling a little sick and decided to stay home - I went with a friend.I went without high expectations. I remember growing up listening to Julio Iglesias, my grandmother liked him.
As soon as he arrived on stage, he surprised me with his charisma. The guy is 68 years and has a great stage presence. He reminded me of Las Vegas shows. Just amazing.
He sang in Spanish, in English and Italian. He sang romantic songs, sang three tangos (two exceptional dancers danced on stage during these presentations), he spoke to the audience, made little jokes and charmed everyone.The man is great on stage. I will not be here discussing musical taste.
What impressed me was the way he interacted with the public, how he managed to get people laughing, crying and singing with him.
Some of his jokes were even innaporpriate:
- Wow, I never imagined that one day I would be drinking vodka in Bahrain, from a small bottle of Evian ...
- I do not know if my mother was Jewish or Arab descent, but I know she was my mother. But my father, I do not even know if he was my father ...
- I once had an arab girlfriend ... those were the best years of my life ...
- If you guys dance a tango with your
All very innocent and reasonable, you must be thinking. But we live in an Arab country, where "OK" and "not OK" are very different from what we are used to.
His dancers were wearing very "revealling"clothes, the tango dancer was showing all her back and her legs were totally exposed. The Brazilian dancer gave him a passionate, wet kiss on the lips, that surprised everyone.In short, the guy with 68 years of age and is holding the stage and the audience as if he was on his 30's.
quinta-feira, março 15
Japao... ai vamos nos! Japan, here we go!
Foto da internet
Pic from Google
Today we celebrate 2 years of this blog. And to celebrate it, we had a "draw". I have used the random number generator and my dear friend Fernando, from Japan won it.Fernando, I hope you like the evening bag, the sarong, the earrings and the perfume I am sending you...kkkk
Ok, ok, you mentioned you would give it to your wife. Phew!
And if you want to know what we gave away, click here
Imagem da internet
Pic from Google
Hoje o Out & About esta celebrando 2 anos de vida!! E para comemorar eu fiz o sorteio de umas coisinhas aqui de Bahrain. Eu usei um site que se chama random number generator e o vencedor foi o Fernando, que mora la no Japao, e insiste em nao ter um blog!! Fernando, agora vc nao tem escapatoria, queremos ouvir as suas historias!!!!
E voce pode comecar contando o que voce vai fazer com a bolsa de noite, o sarongue, o brinco e o perfume que eu vou te mandar essa semana...
Ok, ok. Jogo baixo. Vc ja tinha dito que ia dar pra sua esposa!!!
Me manda o endereco. :-)
E quem quer saber o que nos sorteamos, clica nesse link aqui
terça-feira, março 13
Lia e o pe "nao quebrado"! Lia and the foot that was never broken...
Esse post eu vou TER que ilustrar...
Lia na cadeira de rodas, no aeroporto de bahrain, esperando para embarcar para o Sri Lanka.
This post will NEED pics...
Lia and her wheelchair, at Bahrain airport, waiting to board the plane to Sri lanka
Lia, being pushed to the truck that took us to the airport
Lia, no caminhao que leva deficientes fisicos ate o aviao
Lia, no aviao, tentando manter o pe levantado - por recomendacoes medicas!
Lia, in the airplane, trying to keep her feet up, as the doc ordered her to
Lia, aproveitando a paisagem, ja que ela nao podia entrar na agua o tempo todo!
Lia, enjoying the view, as she could not get into the water all the time...
Lia, tentando fazer o tempo passar...
Lia, trying to enternain herself...
Chatissima essa minha fotonovela do pe quebrado, ne?
O negocio e que a Lia foi pro Sri lanka com o pe quebrado, como eu ja havia contado aqui.
Quando voltamos de viagem, fomos imediatamente para o hospital
ortopedico, pra tirar um raio X do pe quebrado e verificar o estrago depois do passeio.
Pq ela nadou ne? Ela andou tambem. E ela nao ficou o tempo
"todo" com a bota. E eu contei que ela mergulhou? Entao... a Lili se comportou super bem, descansou, nao fez muitos excessos, nao participou dos passeios, e foi super comedida nas atividades do resort, mas como boa esportista que ela e, um pouquinho ela abusou!
Entramos na consulta e o medico ( alemao) olhou, ouviu e falou:
Duvido que esteja quebrado. Ja pro raio X. E ja
tira dos dois pes, pra gente comparar...
Descemos pra sala de raio X, fizemos a “chapa” e voltamos
pro consultorio. Tudo muito rapido.
O pe nao ta quebrado nao. Isso aqui que o outro
medico achou que era uma fratura e, na verdade um canal de alimentacao do osso – isso aqui
e sangue irrigando o osso.
Fiquei muda, sem saber se celebrava o “nao quebramento” ou
se ficava puta por que a Lili passou uma semana com a bota no pe, deixando de aproveitar muitas coisas la no Sri
O medico ainda liberou a bichinha pra fazer todos os esportes – pode
jogar futebol volley e basquete a partir de agora!
So pra coisa ficar ainda mais triste, a Lili estava com viagem marcada para Dubai, para jogar futebol com o time da escola. Com o acidente e o diagnostico, cancelamos a viagem. Agora nao da mais tempo de voltar atras...
Alem de ter sido prejudicada nas ferias, ela tambem nao vai poder ir para Dubai com os colegas.
Meu coracao partiu!Principalmente por que ela foi uma companhia maravilhosa durante toda a viagem. Apesar das limitacoes ela nunca reclamou, nunca deixou a peteca cair. A minha filha e do balacobaco!
If you know this blog, you are probably thinking this photo-soap-opera is very unusual around here. If this is your first visit, you probably think I am just booooring!
But I will explain.
Lia went to Sri Lanka just one day after she fell at school and the X rays showed a fractured bone on her foot.
As soon as we came back, we immediately went to the orthopedic hospital, to have a new assessment, a new X ray and check how much damage we caused on this trip.Because she swam a bit. She also walked. And she did not always wore boot. She even went snorkling once. Of course she was careful, she did not enjoy the place as much as she would if she did not have a broken foot, but we still needed to know what was the current situation.
We got to the hospital and the doctor (German) looked, listened and said:- I doubt that is broken. Just go, have an X-ray of both feet, so we can compare ...We went down to X-ray room, did what we had to do and went back to see the doc.- The foot is not broken. This image here, where the other doctor thought there was a fracture is just an irrigation channel. It is taking blood into the bone.I was speechless, not knowing whether to celebrated "Lia's healthy foot" or to go crazy for everything she missed in Sri lanka.
The doctor even told her to go straight back to her sports. All of them. She plays soccer, volley and basketball.
This situation broke my heart in some many pieces, it is not even funny.
Lia could not enjoy her hols to the full, but she kept her high spirits and she was great company throughout the trip. This girl is just amazing!
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