I say "fab" because I did not think it would be appropriate to write another word that also starts with an "f".
The truth is only one: I am struggling with this new blog "thing".
I am not totally technology challenged, however I am having all sorts of issues to blog. And it is still not working accordingly.
First and foremost, I am in the Middle East, so every time I try to log in, I have to pray to Allah to let me get the English version, but most of the time, I get the Arabic blog. Automatically. And I can not read Arabic. at all.
So I keep clicking on everything that seems like a word, hoping for it to be: "new post" or "edit post" or whatever I wanna do. Very rarely it works and more often than not I just go to bed pretty upset.
My other challenges (ok. Maybe I am a technology challenged), is to learn how to use cute effects to beautify my blog. I have no idea how to upload images. Or how to scrapbook the sides of my page. I don't know how to add gadgets that are not the ones offered by Google and I want a page counter. I want a flag counter. I want so many cool things. And I can have none...
That's ok. I will just keep trying. And hoping I will one day figure it all out!
Há 3 anos
Todos tentam realizar algo grandioso , sem reparar que a vida se compoe de coisas pequenas; a amizade e' o sentimento mais precioso do mundo , pois nao se compra, nao se pede, apenas se conquista!!! parabens amiga pelo teu bolg, e por tds. as tuas comquistas!!! bjs. marcia
ResponderExcluirObrigada querida. Voce sempre tem algo carinhoso para dizer!