Kiwi is the way we call New Zealanders. And before you get all worried about my "almost"15 year old marriage, I will explain:

Normally, Fabio would have to go to New Zealand to participate in a public citizenship ceremony. We were very lucky he was able to have his, here in Bahrain. A special permission was granted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the New Zealand consul from Saudi Arabia came to Bahrain to perform the ceremony.
I picked my kids earlier from school and we marched to Fabio's work, where we would witness the (small) formal ceremony. As far as we knew, it would be only us. Fabio, his boss, his family and the guy with authority to give him full New Zealand rights.
3 pm, the scheduled time, people started showing up. Work friends, colleagues, several directors, the CEO, a group of New Zealanders who were visiting the Polytechnic, suddenly there were over 30 people in the room.The was a cake, savories, kiwi decorations. All a big surprise! If you know my husband, you will know he was embarassed as hell.

All in all, it was one of the most beautiful ceremonies I ever had the opportunity to witness. So far from home, we now find ourselves amongst people who know how to make us feel loved and cared for.
To all our friends, Thank you! It was a very special moment for our family.