A filha mais velha entra na faculdade e é aquela euforia!!
Para facilitar a vida de todo mundo menos a minha, compramos os livros on line e pedimos para retirá-los na livraria da faculdade.
Na sexta antes das aulas começarem, eu tive um dia de cão, daqueles que dá vontade de parar embaixo de uma arvore para tirar um cochilo - ou tirar uma sonequinha enquanto o sinal não abre.
Chego em casa exausta e nem desço do carro - pego a filha para irmos buscar os livros.
Fazendo aquele esforço desumano para me manter viva acordada, chegamos ao tal endereço.
A livraria fechou há mais de uma hora.
- Mas você não ligou para confirmar o horário de funcionamento?
- Não né, mãe!!
Chega a segunda e a menina vai para a faculdade sem livros. primeiro dia de aulas é aquela coisa - só apresentações, definição de expectativas e muito bla bla bla.
Acordo as 7:20 para levar a filha para a faculdade. A entrego na porta um pouco antes das 8 e volto para casa, cheia de coisas para fazer.
Antes de estacionar o carro, ela liga. As aulas dessa matéria só começam em duas semanas.
- Mas você não checou?
- Não né, mãe! A próxima aula é daqui a duas horas - vem me buscar.
- Liga lá na livraria, confirma se os livros estão lá, horário de funcionamento e endereço. Vamos busca-los ( já que é tudo em outro campus).
- Boa ideia.
A filha entra no carro, e vamos ao encontro dos livros. Meia hora no carro, e a mãe cheia de coisas para fazer...
A menina sai do carro e volta de mãos abanando.
- Os livros nãoe stão aqui.
- Como assim? pergunta a mãe incredula consternada preocupada á beira de um ataque de nervos.
- Não tá. Estä lá no campus onde eu vou estudar...
A mãe respira fundo, e só fica de butuca na conversa no telefone. pelo que ela entende, os livros estavam mesmo no outro campus, mas já foram despachados para o campus mais distante ( por que? por que? por queeee???). A menina pede para que alguém a avise quando os livros chegarem, a mãe prende a respiração para não emitir nenhuma opinião.
Antes das 10, ela deixa novamente a filha na faculdade, para poucos minutos depois receber outra ligação que ela não atendeu por que estava no telefone resolvendo assuntos importantes. Parece que a segunda aula também não aconteceu. O professor faltou, ou coisa semelhante.
Mas antes da 1 da tarde ela tem que ir buscar a filha, que já vai ter acabado todas as aulas do dia!!
The eldest daughter gets into college and everyone is euphoric!
To make life easier for everyoneexcept me , she bought her books online and asked to collect them at the college bookstore .
On Friday before college started , I had a day from hell , those days that makes you want to park under a tree just to take a nap - or even take a nap at the red light seems delightful.
I get home exhausted and don't even get off the car - I stop, she gets in, and off we go to the bookstore .
As hard as it was, I managed to keep awake while driving and we arrive at the destination still alive.
The bookstore was closed for over an hour.
- But you did not call to confirm hours of operation ?
- No, I did not !
It is not easy, but we convinced the girl this was not the end of the world and she could attend her first day of college with no books. The first lesson would be an overal of the course, expectations would be set up...these kind of stuff.
So at 7 am I took my youngest to school, came back, got the older kid, drove her to college and before I managed to park in my drive way and start a very busy day, my phone rings;
- This first subject only starts in two weeks .
- But didn't you check ?
- I did not, mother ! The next class is in two hours - come and pick me up .
So I breath deeply and decide to let it go... and if we have a window of two hours, we can go to the bookstore and get those darn books.
- Call the bookstore , confirm that the books are there , check the opening hours and address . We will go and fetch them if they arrived ( since it's all on another campus ) .
- Good idea .
My older daughter gets in the car , we drive all the way to the bookstore, only for her to come back emptied handed again.
-The books are not here .
- How so ? I ask - on the verge of a nervous breakdown .
- I don't know. It seems they were sent to my campus.
I take a deep breath and try to listen to her phone conversation and NOT crash the car.
From what I understand , the books were in the other campus , but have already been dispatched to the farthest campus (why why? ? ? ) . My girl asks for someone to tell when the books will arrive and where can they be collected. Did I mention there was an option for these books to be delivered at our door step?
By 10 , I once again leave my kid ( no books n hand) at college, only to get another phone call saying she is not having the next class either.
This time I was too busy dealing with our daily issues to be able to drive back and pick her up. A couple hours at the college cafeteria will surely do her some good...
The eldest daughter gets into college and everyone is euphoric!
To make life easier for everyone
On Friday before college started , I had a day from hell , those days that makes you want to park under a tree just to take a nap - or even take a nap at the red light seems delightful.
I get home exhausted and don't even get off the car - I stop, she gets in, and off we go to the bookstore .
As hard as it was, I managed to keep awake while driving and we arrive at the destination still alive.
The bookstore was closed for over an hour.
- But you did not call to confirm hours of operation ?
- No, I did not !
It is not easy, but we convinced the girl this was not the end of the world and she could attend her first day of college with no books. The first lesson would be an overal of the course, expectations would be set up...these kind of stuff.
So at 7 am I took my youngest to school, came back, got the older kid, drove her to college and before I managed to park in my drive way and start a very busy day, my phone rings;
- This first subject only starts in two weeks .
- But didn't you check ?
- I did not, mother ! The next class is in two hours - come and pick me up .
So I breath deeply and decide to let it go... and if we have a window of two hours, we can go to the bookstore and get those darn books.
- Call the bookstore , confirm that the books are there , check the opening hours and address . We will go and fetch them if they arrived ( since it's all on another campus ) .
- Good idea .
My older daughter gets in the car , we drive all the way to the bookstore, only for her to come back emptied handed again.
-The books are not here .
- How so ? I ask - on the verge of a nervous breakdown .
- I don't know. It seems they were sent to my campus.
I take a deep breath and try to listen to her phone conversation and NOT crash the car.
From what I understand , the books were in the other campus , but have already been dispatched to the farthest campus (why why? ? ? ) . My girl asks for someone to tell when the books will arrive and where can they be collected. Did I mention there was an option for these books to be delivered at our door step?
By 10 , I once again leave my kid ( no books n hand) at college, only to get another phone call saying she is not having the next class either.
This time I was too busy dealing with our daily issues to be able to drive back and pick her up. A couple hours at the college cafeteria will surely do her some good...